Fluorescent Round Acrylic Rod

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Fluorescent Round Rod

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Fl-Blue 9092FL ✘
Fl-Green 5143FL ✘
Fl-Med Orange 2150FL ✘
Fl-Pink Red 19357FL ✘
Fl-Yellow 9096FL ✘

Diameter (mm)

3.2 ✘
4.8 ✘
6.4 ✘
9.5 ✘
12.7 ✘
19 ✘
25.4 ✘

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Fluorescent Round Acrylic Rod

Colour: Lisa Green
Diameter: 10 mm

Length (mm)AvailabilityChoose
2000 Stock Item
Cut To Size

Case Studies


Last month we helped one of our customers with a project to build a submarine sphere. Our customer had cast the acrylic sphere in two halves but asked us to structurally bond the two halves together.

Sheffield Council

As part of a Sheffield City refurbishment scheme, we were asked to structurally bond eight massive acrylic beams 5400mm long and 150mm thick, in the town hall square.
